spil - A study in the language games of Wittgenstein
What does it mean to communicate? Spil is a dance performance, a study in the language games of Ludwig Wittgenstein. The idea of creating this performance occurred after visiting Wittgenstein’s hut in Skjolden in Norway, where he on several occasions stayed to find an atmosphere to think and write. In Skjolden, the Austrian philosopher wrote down some of his most influential thoughts on the philosophy of language, which later on were assembled in the publication Philosophische Untersuchungen (Philosophical Investigations). Wittgenstein perceived language as a practice, a conglomerate of language games. This practice lays the foundation for a dance piece, a duet where meeting points are at the centre of attention: The meeting points between bodies as abstract conversations, as concrete play between dance, music and light, or as a blur of boundaries and rules. With these tools we explore different ways of communicating with the audience and between us as twin sisters. The piece is an attempt to prolong Wittgenstein´s philosophy into our own medium of dance, and thus expand the possibilities it offers. Freed from the need to land or end up somewhere in a linear sense, we aim to move back and forth between numerous poles. The Old High German word spil originally signifies the dance movement in itself. In this performance, conversing is play, and play is dance.
One can say that the concept of a game is a concept with blurred edges. -"But is a blurred concept a concept at all?" - Is a photograph that is not sharp a picture of a person at all? Is it even always an advantage to replace a picture that is not sharp by one that is? Isn´t one that isn´t sharp often just what we need?
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
Premiere: Lærdal Kulturhus 15th of October 2020
Upcoming tour: DOCK11 Berlin 4-7th of March 2021
Duration: 50 min
Dance, choreography and production: Anna Einemo Frøysland og Berit Einemo Frøysland
A co-production with 23/7 Scene (Ingrid Saltvik Faanes) and DOCKT ART
Music: Jostein Avdem Fretland / Fivrel
Light design: Matias Askvik
Dramaturgy: Ingrid Haugen
Academic advisor: Dr. Fabian Goppelsröder
Outer eye: Janne-Camilla Lyster
Graphical design: Verena Thaller
Costumes from Halo Labels
Funded by Kulturrådet, DOCK ART Berlin, Lærdal Kommune
Thanks to: The Foundation of Wittgenstein in Skjolden, Residency Eina Danz (R.E.D.), Marit Winsnes
Want to see full video of the performance? Send me an e-mail —>
Video and edit: Jon Filip Fahlstrøm
Video and edit: Jon Filip Fahlstrøm
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