still- a solo piece

Choreography and dance: Anna Einemo Frøysland
Duration: 15 minutes
Music: Rafael Anton Irisarri
The solo piece is diving into the relation between the mind and the body. The movement qualities have a close connection to the emotional life, muscular tension in the soulders or the abdominals will for instance make it hard to breathe, causing perhaps irritation or anger. Light tension can make one feel ready to attack. Stillness is a kind of counterweight in the piece, making the body empty itself, reaching a zero point that perhaps do not exist.
Click here to read an article by Anna about the process
Supported by: Arts Council Norway (forprosjekt) and Dansens hus
Photos: Tale Hendnes/Dansens hus
Thanks to:
Janne-Camilla Lyster
Navala “Niku” Chaudhari
Solveig Styve Holte
Snelle Hall
Previous performances:
DansiT Svartlamoen. 13th of March 2021
Dialogscenen, Dansekunst i Grenland. 25th of May 2019
Koreografilaboratoriet Dansens hus, 14-19th of May 2019
Scenehuset 5th & 6th of November 2018
Åpen Scene Spinoff 29th of September 2018
Kulturhuset Oslo 28th of April 2018